Dorian Frances

code enthusiast unraveling clean code magic!

Blog posts & Articles

How to bootstrap a Spring boot project using Clean Architecture

In this article, we explore the power of Hexagonal Architecture in combination with Spring Boot and Java. Discover how this architectural pattern enhances testability, separates business code from technical implementation, and promotes code modularity and scalability. While applying Hexagonal Architecture may initially seem verbose, its benefits offer a comprehensive and clean structure for your projects.

The Power of .ini Files with configparser in Python: A Superior Alternative to .env Files

Configuration files are crucial in software development as they store essential parameters and settings that allow applications to function effectively in different environments. These files separate configuration variables from the code, offering flexibility, security, and ease of maintenance.

Junior developer: the importance of learning good development and architecture practices

Greetings, fellow junior developers! We all embark on our coding journeys with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, eagerly devouring every programming language and technology in our path. It's only natural to believe that the more technologies we master, the more valuable we become in the competitive job market. After all, versatility seems like the ultimate key to unlocking endless opportunities. But what if I told you there's a smarter and more optimized approach to reaching your career goals?

How to bootstrap a NestJS project using Clean Architecture

Starting off on the wrong foot for a project can be very incapacitating, and at the same time, it offers no direct value for you. In this article, I'll try to show you how you can put yourself (and your team) on the right track to begin a project with confidence. The goal here is to help you establish a solid and modular code base architecture using the NestJS template, enabling you to produce quality code and enhance your team's productivity.